Hateg Country UNESCO Global Geopark is an outdoor laboratory for formal and non-formal education, targeting pupils and students. The Geopark is also a space that offers visitors of all ages a pleasant experience of understanding and interpreting nature and cultural values.
To encourage interdisciplinary learning, through our own experience, we have created the informal EduGeoparc network in partnership with the Hunedoara County School Inspectorate.
The network’s aim is to group and synchronize member’s effort for a formal and non-formal education that uses the values, skills and knowledge acquired by the Geopark for the purpose of understanding, interpreting and promoting the natural and cultural elements of Hațeg Country by locals and visitors of all ages,
The EduGeoparc network provides the educational partnership by bringing together primary and secondary schools from the territory of the Geopark and beyond, educational, institutions, associations and educational experts. Students in the GeoExplorators and Volunteers for the Geopark are attendees and beneficiaries of the activities, creating a direct link among the geopark’s educational programs, local school curricula and training programs for future guides, mountain companions or travel agents.
The EduGeoparc network was established at the initiative of the Hațeg Country UNESCO Global Geopark, managed by the University of Bucharest (GDTH UNESCO-UB) in partnership with the County School Inspectorate in Hunedoara.