Geo-biology applied in the Conservation of the Natural and Cultural Heritage

The Geo-biology program applied in the conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage aims at the theoretical and practical further study of the specific issues which is the field of preservation of natural and cultural heritage in general, with special applications in the protected areas. The program has a full inter- and transdisciplinary approach, connecting the disciplines of the study of Life and Earth Sciences to those in the economic,  planning and management of natural and cultural resources.

Local, national and international partnership ensure openness to new trends in the field, gathering experts, developing new online training modules. The program aims to develop specific competences needed to understand the link with social-economic, cultural and educational areas, with a special approach for protected areas of different types.  

Training objectives

The program offers a blended learning experience by combining the direct and online courses offered by the International Virtual Seminar, using the knowledge acquired for multidisciplinary field applications.

Besides courses of familiarization with methods and concepts of geology, geography, biology, the master offers classes in the following fields: Evaluation  of geological heritage, bio-conservation, geoparks, evaluation and interpretation of natural and cultural heritage, protected area management, sustainable development, project writing.

At graduation, students can get, besides the master s degree, the IVS Certificate, which proves they have attended the international course ”International Virtual Seminar Water and Climate".

Master Program details: