Acronim: Danube GeoTour Plus

Programme: Interreg Danube Region 2021-2027

No.: DRP0200085

Axis 3: PO4 – A more social Europe

Lead Partner: Nature and Geopark Styrian Eisenwurzen (AT),


–       Idrija Tourism Board (SI),

–       ”Nature Park Papuk” – Instituție publică (HR),

–       ARGE Geopark Karavanks (AT/SI),

–       Geopark Swabian Alb (DE),

–       Bükk National Park Directorate (HU),

–       Vodní zdroje Chrudim Ltd. (CZ),

–       Universitatea din București (RO),

–       Technical University of Kosice (SK),

–       Public Enterprise National Park Djerdap (SRB).

–       College for Tourism and Management Konjic (BA)

Alți 18 parteneri strategici sunt asociați în proiect pentru asigurarea unui nivel înalt al calității acțiunilor implementate: Global Geoparks Network, Tourismusverband Gesäuse, Erz der Alpen UNESCO Global Geopark, Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave, Požeško-slavonska županija, Asociatia GeoD pentru promovarea geodiversitatii, Hochschule für Forstwirtschaft Rottenburg, Partnerství, o.p.s., NGO Zeleni dom – Green Home, Ministrstvo za naravne vire in prostor, Heves Varmegyei Kormanyhivatal, Društvo upokojencev Idrija, SKS Skupnost koroških Slovencev, Steirische Arbeitsförderungsgesellschaft, Češka Beseda Kaptol, Bruderhaus Diakonie Stiftung Gustav Werner und Haus am Berg, Asociația Femeilor din Santamaria Orlea, Udruženje privrednih ribara Donjeg Podunavlja.

Period: 1.1.2024- 30.6.2026


Total: 2.288.015

Interreg contribution: 1.830.412

Danube GeoTour Plus builds on the collaboration of 9 geopark partners, 2 research and education partners, and 18 ASPs. This project addresses key challenges such as rural depopulation, marginalization of resident groups, increased tourism demand, and gaps in competence, management, and infrastructure. Spanning 416 municipalities across 9 countries with a combined area of 14,601 km², Danube geoparks have seen a 6% population decline and a 77% increase in visits over the past decade.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Engagement:
    • Involve vulnerable groups in geopark structures, products, and services.
    • Develop a common engagement strategy and 9 action plans.
    • Foster opportunities through cross-border exchanges.
  2. Value Generation:
    • Pilot 9 GeoExperiences as a new participative product development model.
    • Boost local SMEs and employment opportunities for vulnerable groups.
  3. Balanced Visitor Management:
    • Develop and verify visitor monitoring solutions for routes, hot spots, and larger territories.
    • Implement joint analytical tools and initial visitor redistribution measures.


  • Improve competences of 29 participating organizations from 8 member and 3 non-member states.
  • Enhance inclusive integrated territorial development, product innovation management, and smart visitor monitoring.

Conclusion: Danube GeoTour Plus aims to create a collaborative platform ensuring the sustainability of the Danube GeoTour product and promoting networking for sustainable and inclusive territorial goals.

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